So many details to take care of on our journey towards Bolivia. Yesterday we found out that we must have the following immunizations: Hepatitis A/B (combo - series of 3 shots), tetanus and typhoid. Our doctor's office directed us to the local Health Department. So, in order to get these shots, we must pay an office visit: $70 for the first one of us, $40 for the second. Then we EACH pay: $70 for the first Hepatitis shot, $60 for the tetanus shot and $75 for the typhoid shot. Even without a calculator close by, I figured this out to be $520 - like I wrote on my facebook page... O U C H x 2! We discussed this with our mission agency to see if our new insurance just might cover these charges (reimbursed at best, because the Health Department does not accept insurance). We are waiting for a response from Aetna.
We remain unpoked for the moment...more to follow (I'll bet you just can't wait to hear more of THIS story!).And, YES, I did choose RED for the color of the font for a reason! he he he
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